Webinars and Virtual Links


 PSPA(Z) June Examination Preparedness - 14 June 2024

Elevate your horizon: Unlocking Global Opportunities - 12 June 2024

 The art of selling ourselves as Accountants - 12 June 2024 

 WECAN Mental Health talk: Balancing the Mind Ledger - 24 May 2024

ITC Registration session - 17 May 2024

Challenges and opportunities for Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) & Sustainability Reporting for ZSE/VFEX Listed and Non-Listed Entities - 15 May 2024

The Impact of ZIG Currency on Financial reporting - 08 May 2024

MBA Webinar - 27 April 2024

ICAZ MBA Informational - 12 April 2024

How to account for Motor vehicle, Medical & Agricultural insurance using the IFRS 17 framework - 4 April 2024

Passcode: eE9b?A^v

1 hour verifiable CPD Event

WeCAN Harare Chapter: Virtual Legal Consultation - 25 March 2024

 WeCAN Group Coaching Session: Self-Awareness & Leveraging Self for Success - 22 March 2024

Estate Planning Webinar: SA Chapter - 13 March 2024
Passcode: k91qf#u.

1.5 hours verifiable CPD Event

Embracing the digital Future: RPA & AI in Zimbabwean Business - 28 February 2024
Passcode: Z8aB*Wnw

2 hours verifiable CPD Event

Digital solution a panacea for Revenue Collection in local authorities - 27 February 2024

Passcode: %kjc^7tE

2 hours verifiable CPD Event

IFRS 17 - Successes and Failures in implementation and way forward - 14 February 2024

Passcode: $EX4+#Vi

Estate Planning & Family Trusts - 08 February 2024

 Passcode: +=sF53WS

2 hours verifiable CPD Event

Tax update and TaRMS System Training - 07 February 2024

- This is a paid webinar. Kindly contact [email protected] for further inquiries

NB: For all paid virtual events for CPDs kindly contact [email protected]